This is highly recommended, a series where I provide a compelling argument for why you should like something that I like.
Dear Reader,
Getting dressed can be tricky. But not because of the process of putting on clothes – the rules are very clear on how to do that. Getting dressed can be tricky because it’s not always clear what you’re supposed to put on. Your fit can be informed by many things: the weather (gross, freezing, windy (has more of an impact than you think) etc.), the occasion (hitting the gym, first date, walking aimlessly around your neighborhood while half-listening to podcasts) or even how you’re feeling (you can tell I’m not in the mood to do anything productive when I haven’t bothered to put any effort into my physical appearance).
Getting dressed involves a lot of thinking. But when putting clothes on my body, there’s something I hardly ever second guess.
I highly recommend wearing a hat.
Completes The Fit
I care a lot about what I’m wearing, whether it’s for a night out at the Metropolitan Opera or dragging my hungover carcass to get a bagel. There are many times where a hat is the one thing that makes my fit complete; that adds that tiny bit of extra that’s needed to make every piece work together in harmony. Would anyone else notice that my fit felt incomplete if I left my apartment not wearing a hat? Probably not. But what’s the point of dressing for anyone other than yourself?
Makes A Statement
A lot of hats are plain. (During the winter months, I almost exclusively wear blank beanies from Amazon in a variety of colors. These beanies are some of the best things I’ve ever bought on Amazon. These beanies are some of the best things I’ve ever bought.) But most hats, especially ones of the sports variety, are stitched with some sort of insignia. Most of the time, that’s fine with me – I’m perfectly happy to express my St. Louis Cardinals fandom to any random person I’m sharing the sidewalk with. Sometimes, this makes things a little confusing. An old man in a coffee shop mistook my LA Kings hat as a sign that I was a big fan of the LA Kings. Fair? Totally. But when you’re a bigger fan of hats than the teams they represent, it’s not really a big deal.
Available In Many Different Styles
You’ve got your plain hats. (Some of which are the beanies I mentioned above.) You’ve got your hats with shit on them. (Some of which are the LA Kings hats I mentioned above.) But most of all, you’ve got a lot of different hats to choose from. While there might be many different kinds of pants (jeans, chinos, sweat, etc.), they don’t offer as much variance as the different types of hats. And that variance puts hats on top of everything else – literally.
Keeps My Head Warm
Speaking of beanies, they’re a very effective way to keep your head warm. It’s important to keep your head warm because your head is where you brain is. And if you don’t keep your brain warm, your brain won’t work. And if your brain doesn’t work, you won’t be able to read any more highly recommended blog posts. And if you can’t read any more highly recommended blog posts, what’s the point of reading anything else? I’ve read a lot of things (with both a warm and cold brain), and there’s nothing better than reading something that you wrote. Technically, that means you won’t get much enjoyment out of reading highly recommended. If you don’t, that’s ok – I never promised you would. This blog is really for me and me alone.
Covers Up My Bad Hair
I’m balding. (Thanks Mom and your side of the family.) And I’m buying a lot of hats to make up for it. Am I blaming the Hat Industrial Complex for my lack of hair and my penchant for covering up my bare scalp with their cloth coverings? Not yet. But there’s a good chance I will be soon.
There’s got to be one thing you don’t like about wearing a hat.
Not Suitable To Wear In All Occasions
If there’s one thing my dad made clear to me, it’s that you better not fucking wear at hat inside. I’m pretty sure it had something to do with an episode of the Sopranos he watched right before I decided I was going to wear a baseball hat during a family dinner out. For some reason, his reasoning made sense. From then on, I made the decision to only wear hats outside. Or at least try to only wear hats outside. But the real lesson is that no matter how much I want to be able to wear a hat whenever I want, it’s just not going to happen, because of my dad and the Sopranos.
One night not too long ago, I had a conversation with Dana about where nudists store their belongings. Since they obviously don’t have pockets, they much have to carry around some sort of bag to hold everything they need.
A quick Google search later, I discovered that the Southern California Naturalists Association developed a product for just this purpose – a hat with an extra zippered pocket on the side. I immediately purchased the hat. I have never worn the hat. But do I regret owning it?
Not at all.