This is highly recommended, a series where I provide a compelling argument for why you should like something that I like.
Dear Reader,
Have you ever been at that place in your life where you desperately need to do something? And I’m not talking about the going on a run or cutting your hair or buying a new fit kind of doing something. I’m talking about the soul-fulfilling or brain-extending or anxiety-reducing kind of doing something. The kind of doing something that makes you feel ok for all of the not doing anything you’ve been doing the past few months. The kind of doing something that makes you feel like you’re actively contributing beyond existing.
Me neither.
But in an effort to try, I got bored and created something. I created something not for the benefit of me, (hahahahaha who I am kidding – everything I do is for the benefit of me. And I feel like that’s kind of ok because I’m only 26 and no one is relying on me for anything?) but to help you – the reader.
I highly recommend
Great Idea
I don’t want to brag, (I love to brag) but this might be the best idea I’ve ever had. I’ve always been a fan of helping out (if you don’t ask my parents about all of the times they asked me to mow my suburban lawn) and I’m in a relative period of work dryness. So it made sense to create this place where people could turn to me in their times of need. Creating this website was the easiest way for me to do it. All someone needs to do is fill out the form and I’ll provide some sort of feedback within 3-5 business days. (For free!) Many ideas have been touted as great ideas (sliced bread, the wheel, wireless headphones, etc.), but none of them provide as much serious gratification as this one.
Great Design
Shout out to Squarespace (sponsor the pod) for the template. I’ve designed every website I’ve ever made on Squarespace (that includes my flagship website, the defunct (RIP that relationship and that website) and (RIP that job and that website)), so it’s no surprise that was designed the same way. They have great templates! And since I’m definitely not a designer, it’s a big help when someone does most (all) of the work for me.
Great Words
If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m a professional writer. (I get paid to write, although I don’t get paid to write this blog. I probably shouldn’t.) No matter what project I’m a part of, I’m going to make sure that the words involved are great. The words on are no different. Not only do I make a compelling argument for why I want to help, I provide a litany of strong arguments for why I’m the guy to do it. When you read, it’s evident that I shouldn’t be paid to do anything besides write. Which I’m not. So I guess everything is write (GET IT) in the world.
Great Help
It’s not just the content of the URL that’s great. It’s the help that’s provided after people fill out the form. (Ok, it’s probably time for me to come clean – while many people have submitted problems to (and I’ve submitted responses to those problems for everyone that has written), only one person has written back and said that my help has actually been helpful. But! I refuse to believe that I haven’t provided good advice. Sometimes, the best advice takes a long time to really work. Months from now, I have a feeling that my inbox will be full of positive reviews. After that, my inbox will be full of many more people asking for help. That’s all that I really want (along with a truly good sandwich, fame & fortune and a decent head of hair)).
Pretty Great Overall
I guess I could spend this paragraph summarizing everything that you’ve read already, but that sounds a little redundant. This might sound like I have a startling lack of hubris, but is pretty fucking great. And you’re not going to convince me otherwise.
There’s got to be one thing you don’t like about
Not Enough Help Provided
I’m not just being pompous – the problem is not with the website. The problem is that not enough people have asked me for help. Maybe I should post fliers around the neighborhood? I would have thought that enough people on the internet needed help that I didn’t need to promote this IRL. But maybe the most meaningful problems happen IRL. Maybe help is needed IRL more than anywhere else. Maybe I’m a little terrified of having to provide IRL help than just responding to emails. Who knows? (I know the answer, I just don’t really want to provide it.)
I’m not entirely sure where this desire to help people came from. Maybe it’s because, deep down, I’m really just a people pleaser. Maybe it’s because, deep down, I know that it’s easier to help other people than it is to help myself. Maybe it’s because, deep down, I’m so fucking bored with everything that’s going on in my life.
We’ll probably never know. (Probably because I’ll never know. I refuse to go to therapy.)