This is highly recommended, a series where I provide a compelling argument for why you should like something that I like.
Dear Reader,
Let’s fucking go.
Let’s talk about TIME, baby!
That big old ticking time bomb of inevitability, guiding every day of our lives. This is a BIG IDEAS blog now. Content for real thinking heads only. If you don’t want to engage with LOGIC, close this tab on your browser NOW. Because from now on, highly recommended is going to force feed the truth to the people; the truth that you’ve been ignoring for too long because you’re too afraid to talk about what REALLY matters.
(Can you imagine if I wrote like this all the time? I can’t imagine writing like this all the time. It’s mentally and physically exhausting. Having to reach for the CAPS LOCK button requires a stretch my fingers just aren’t used to.)
(And no, I’m not going to try and write the rest of this blog post in that style. But this blog post is going to recommend something that has to do with time.)
I highly recommend wearing a watch.
Knowing What Time It Is
Speaking of BIG TIME ENERGY (come on, that’s not even remotely a good joke), knowing the hour and the minutes that go with it is nice. But I’m not a “need to know what time it is all the time” person. I’m more than happy to let a few hours fly by without glancing at my wrist. But when I need to know what the clock says (maybe I’m running late for one of my important blog meetings), it’s easy. And knowing (no matter what I’m knowing) always makes me feel a little better.
Goes With Everything
Speaking of time spent doing things, I spend quite a bit of time considering what to wear at the beginning of each day. A lot of morning mental energy gets expended making sure that the disparate pieces of clothing I’m pulling together make sense as a cohesive unit. But the one thing I never have to worry about is my watch. No matter what fit I don, the watch works. (I can even wear it while I slowly jog through the park.)
Wrist Weight
Speaking of time spent doing physical activity, it’s not like my wrists are dainty. They’re of reasonable size and weight. But it just feels nice to add a little heft to the part of my body where my left arm connects with my left hand. I think it helps my naturally weaker left hand get a little extra work in during the day. It helps my wrists stay even in girth. (My body already has enough oddities. I don’t need to add some weird wrist shit to the mix.)
Feeling Older Than My Age
Speaking of time examining physical oddities, they’re probably the best way to make you feel older than you are. But the problem with physical oddities is that they’re usually a depressing way to reconcile with your mortality. It’s better to consistently wear an accessory that most people in your generation don’t wear. Based on my general lack of head hair and watch wearing, people are generally surprised when I tell them how old I am. (Ha! You thought you were going to learn my age! It’s not that easy, reader! You need to make more of an effort to get the answer to that Nicholas Holder Trivia Question.)
Preparation For Extreme Wealth
Speaking of time spent making an effort, I probably need to really double down on my goal of being obscenely wealthy. Having a full time job is a good start, but having enough to pay rent and occasionally buy an obnoxious jacket isn’t what I want. I want to be able to wear a brand-new pair of socks everyday. I want to be able to make sure that everybody in my life that I care about gets to wear a brand-new pair of socks everyday. But since you can’t spend all of your money on socks, I’ll probably spend some of it on a really nice watch. By wearing a watch now, I’ve already established myself as a “watch guy”, so it won’t be much of a stretch to wear one that costs as much as a used car.
There’s got to be one thing you don’t like about wearing a watch.
People Asking Me What Time It Is
Get your own damn watch! Or look at your phone! I’m not sure when wearing a watch meant that you became the world’s designated time keeper. I am merely the world’s designated expert on recommending things, that’s it.
But why would you ever believe ME? It’s hard to maintain my credibility when there’s so much LOGIC and SCIENCE and SHADOW GOVERNMENT out there to undermine me. In fact, DON’T believe me! Stop reading this blog! Learn to recommend things to yourself!
(It’s hard for people to stop reading this blog when they don’t read it in the first place, but I’d appreciate it if they tried.)