This is highly recommended, a series where I provide a compelling argument for why you should like something that I like.
Dear Reader,
There’s nothing wrong with having a strong opinion. In fact, one could say that I make my living off of having a strong opinion. (In this case, one would be wrong. Although highly recommended might seem like an incredibly successful venture that makes more than enough money to pay my bills, that is unfortunately not the case.) One could even say that life wouldn’t be worth living if we didn’t have strong opinions. (I would say that. Consider this a promise for a future highly recommended post about having strong opinions.) (I really shouldn’t be out here making any promises, but I can’t help myself.)
But sometimes an opinion is so strange and so strong that you need to write an entire blog post to provide an explanation.
I highly recommend putting on your socks before putting on your pants.
Warm Feet
I’m not sure if I’m unique and I actually suffer from some sort of medical condition or if this just happens to everybody (pretty sure I’m special!), but my feet (and my hands) are constantly cold. Although I’ve tried many different ways to warm them up which I won’t detail here, nothing works better than socks. Any socks. Big warm fuzzy ones are best, but you don’t need them. Most of the time they don’t fit under shoes anyway. Stop buying me big warm fuzzy socks, Mom.
Easier To Put On Pants
My above-average sized, elongated feet sometimes serve as more of a hindrance to progress than appendages that help me get where I need to go. When your feet are like mine, putting on pants is harder than it needs to be. And if I’m tired? Drunk? Off in any way? Putting on pants is damn near impossible – except when I put on socks first. Then, and only then, my lengthy feet slide right down those leg tubes and through the open hole in the bottom, already sheathed. I’m not sure you really know how incredible that feels.
Socks Don’t Get Messed Up By Pants
Socks are meant to be pulled up to their full length, which should be just a bit lower than mid calf. (If you fucking wear ankle socks or those disgusting no-show pieces of shit, I want to immediately stop reading this blog, get off the internet and reconsider every decision you’ve ever made in your entire life.) (I’m serious.) It’s hard to pull up socks to the preferred length when you’ve already got your pants on. But when you follow my process, everything is in it’s right place.
Socks Are Basically Underwear For Your Feet And Should Go On Before Pants
(It’s true.)
Slows Down The Fit Creation Process
For those of you that sleep until the last possible second before getting up to get ready, I understand the desire to get dressed quickly. But not taking your time with your fit is when mistakes get made. I should know – I’ve bricked my fair share of fits. But when you learn your lesson, that brick helps build a solid foundation that prevents mistakes for years to come. When I’m forced to decide on my socks first, it helps me consider everything that I’m about to put on. Seeing the whole picture always helps.
There’s got to be one thing you don’t like about putting on your socks before putting on your pants.
Getting Weird Looks In The Locker Room
Although I think this clothing application process is the only acceptable way to get dressed, my views aren’t shared by many. Based on my observation, they aren’t shared by anyone in the men’s locker room at my Equinox. That’s because my observations have included noticing a lot of weird looks from dudes in a place where dudes actively try to avoid looking at each other. Apparently my socks first agenda is that outrageous.
But that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop. It takes a lot more than looks of disgust from my peers to cause me to quit on my convictions – I’m a principled guy. And writing this blog that nobody reads is my way of standing up for my principles in a way that nobody will notice, which feels just a little bit safer than actually standing up for them in public.
Maybe if someone else highly recommended courage, I might consider it. In the meantime, I’ll stick with hiding behind a keyboard like the rest of you.